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  • Paul Hurst 3:57 pm on May 29, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , os, os4, software   

    …sent from my iPad. 

    It had to happen.

    Yesterday I queued for 3 hours to pick up Apple’s new tablet computer which has the ubiquitous honour of being both loved and loathed by techie geeks and reviewers all around the world.

    Of course one of the first things I did was to copy as many useful apps from my iPhone over to it’s new oversized twin and this post is living proof that some of my money has been spent wisely on both some of the apps and (I’d like to think) the device itself.

    Yes it hasn’t got a keyboard and yes it just about sucks that I can’t really choose where files go both on or off the device but I can confirm that it is much more that just an ‘oversized ipod’.

    The extra screen real estate means I can type accurately and quickly on here which means my blog posts and tweets make slightly more sense than the ones cobbled together on my iPhone in the back of a moving taxi. However I can’t help thinking that for the iPad, the best is yet to come…

    Within a few weeks of writing this, we’ll all be getting ready to welcome the band new iPhone HD and also a new OS which will alter the way that both the iPhone and iPad work. Admittedly such an update won’t install a camera onto the iPad which it is definitely missing but it may add some measure of multitasking which has been near the top of ‘most wanted features’ ever since the Cupertino boys came to their senses and added ‘copy and paste’ into the OS last year.

    As is often the case with mobile devices, the software really can make a huge difference to how practically useful these devices are and as Steve Jobs warms up for the next big announcements in June, it’s only a matter of time before more people are wowed by apple’s elegant and simple (if not slightly overpriced) way of doing things and just like on Friday when I was quaffing free food and drink at Apple’s expense, I can hardly wait!

    • Mr. Tablets PC 5:07 pm on June 3, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Hi !, you have a great blog here! I’m definitely going to bookmark you! Thank you for your info.And this is Tablets Computers site/blog. It pretty much covers Tablets Computers related stuff.

  • Paul Hurst 11:06 pm on April 17, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: @marcelbooth, @ruskin147, @stephenfry, bay, downloads, founders, guilty, , piracy, pirate, prison, software, streaming   

    Today’s highlight for me has been all… 

    Today’s highlight for me has been all the news surrounding the ‘Pirate Bay’ website and its creators.

    Piracy may well be theft but I can’t help thinking that some users don’t necessarily have the cost in mind as they click away. Sometimes its convenience.

    Before the days of iTunes, many downloaded illegally. Napster and Kazaa icons graced many a desktop with users trawling though all sorts of dubiously named downloads trying to find that illusive album or song. So when Steve Jobs finally offered us ‘instant gratification’ it didn’t come as a surprise to anyone that the music industry didn’t collapse. It flourished.

    Its very easy for the ‘authorities’ to merely point the blame at the ‘thieves’ and they can rightfully claim the moral high-ground (whilst bumping up the prices on iTunes), but can they claim the creative crown? Why do they insist on staggered country releases for movies and games? Why won’t they stream US content in the UK? Why are they so inflexible when it comes to letting me chose when and where to watch streaming media and why can’t I back up my legitimately purchased DVDs?

    It’s no wonder then that people are trying to track the torrents rather than wait for the DVD or CD box-set. We’re used to seeing some content delivered DRM free and on our terms and when Apple offered us instant download, we tasted fruit from the promised land and were quite happy to pay for it too.

    The studios and mega companies need to develop and embrace all of our wonderful technology. my iPod and even my mobile can play the movie files so why can’t I buy them in a format I want, quickly and easily online?

    And so, like @stephenfry who “stole in the cassette age” I cannot help thinking that the answer to these issues may be much more complex than merely shouting ‘stop! Thief!’

    @ruskin147 chose a relatively unsuspecting but wonderful guest to discuss this issue on the BBC News channel at today’s ‘Digital Britian’.

    @marcelbooth managed to screengrab the BBC News website which linked to the torrent search engine before they thought better of it 🙂 http://bit.ly/XuIu9

    • Marcel 11:45 pm on April 17, 2009 Permalink | Reply

      It’s not just the staggered releases and instant gratification.
      How many of your DVD’s do you have where you are forced to sit and watch various copyright notices and company idents without the ability to skip past? Yes, I know it’s illegal, I paid for this bloody DVD, now quit your scare tactics and let me watch it!
      Same with TV shows. How many are edited for the UK? Friends was a classic example. Region1 episodes had quite a few extra scenes in them. But to get them, you have to pay a premium.

      Just like Stephen Fry, who else recorded TV shows and kept them beyond the ‘reasonable time’ that ‘time shifting purposes’ allowed? Who else recorded songs from the radio to play in your Walkma…er, personal stereo cassette player?

      Then when you factor in cost of things like trips to the cinema. I have two children, and took them with my wife the other day to see a film. Tickets alone were nearly £25, and that was discounted. Add in the ridiculous prices of the ‘food/snacks’ and you can easily hit £50 upwards.

      Piracy will not go away. For one method or website that is ‘shut down’, another one will take its place. Napster back in 1999 went ‘official’, and died a death.

      What about games piracy back in the 1980’s? Floppy disc copying. Still rife now.
      When you look at some of the games that they have the absolute brass neck to charge £30 for, is it any wonder that piracy is so rife?

      Bleating on about it being illegal doesn’t solve the issue.
      Speeding is illegal, but stick a 10mph limit on a dual carriageway and watch how many people will deem the limit unnecessary and drive faster?

      Look closely too at the rights you have, of the DVD you purchased.
      Want to lend it to your sister? Well technically you can’t. That’s right. She has to buy her own. Maybe if these film companies weren’t huge money-grabbing machines, it wouldn’t be so bad….

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